Monte Manfrei (GE)


Eugenio Battaglia writes:

On Sunday 27 September at Mount
Manfrei (near Genoa), at more than
3,000 feet above sea level, we had
the annual ceremony to honor the
200 soldiers of the RSI Division
San Marco who were killed by Red
Partisans immediately after the
end of WWII.
Thanks to the actions of Sergeant
Michele Giusto, the summit of the
mountain is now the property of
the Association "Fiamme Bianche"
(White Flames) and there is an
important Memorial Park for all
the fallen soldiers and civilians
of the Repubblica Sociale

Fiamme Bianche is from the name of
the young (15 to 17-year-old)
volunteers who joined the armed
forces of the RSI. On 18 July
1944 they easily defeated an
attack on their training camp at

Michele Giusto was a Fiamma Bianca
assigned to an aircraft battery.
He earned a German Cross while
using his guns against the US
forces crossing the river Po.

Last year he "went ahead," and
Sunday his ashes were placed on
the Mount Manfrei with other
combatants of the RSI in order to
be close to those killed 75 years
ago. Their burial place in the
woods was never found.